Sunday, September 26, 2010

I've Had Enough

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't enjoyed blogging, but I'd also be lying if I said I still enjoy blogging. I don't have the time to update anymore.

I've been blogging since September 2009 - a whole year of blogging. I like web graphic designing so I plan to open my new blog 'Blog It Your Way' soon. I'll still play CP and use my Twitter but no more blogging. I'll leave this blog open so you can still use the cheats and glitches.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter! :D
Oh, and visit my new blog, Blog It Your Way (I'll post when it's ready)

Bye bye,


  1. I am still going on this blog and i am going to make sure everyone else does! Whos with me!?

    Clumsy 205

  2. did u open Its International day blog yet

  3. @Pirate Yarr1
    Its not being opened because I have stuff on there that I dont want people copying

  4. whizz i need help with my background

  5. It's spelt lying and I know I'm not lying when I say you have copied someone with the i would be lying thing, just saying. This whole blog is a copy...

  6. @bubbeboo124
    1st. Uh, I spelt it lying...
    2nd. Umm... Since when was speaking the same language as someone else copying?????
    3rd. All Club Penguin blogs are a copy and Im aware of that.
    4th. Wuts with the whole 'lets hate Whizzbobrox' thing????

  7. 1st you changed it - good one...
    2nd you copy lots of stuff and ive noticed that
    3rd they arnt actually, people dont become famous from copying you become famous if you figure things out yourself then other peeps will copy you.
    4th you treat everyone like dirt except people who are maaad fans but the way you are - you wont have many for longer.
    5th if you come back then for heavens sake make your mind up you can quit then come back and expect more views. Your just a bit OTT and youve needed someone to tell it you, I am and i'm sorry its me ... Just sayin :)

  8. @bubbeboo124
    1st. I never changed anything...
    2nd. As I said before.
    3rd. I want to share my news and findings. Blogging isn't ONLY about famousness.
    4th. Oh, so is making people banners for free and spending a whole day of my weekend helping someone set up their blog treating them like dirt? Maybe I won't bother help then.
    5th. The reason I quit is for personal reasons. For personal reasons, I haven't got enough time to post so thats why I'm closing it down. How am I OTT? Im enthusiastic about Club Penguin and like to help others.

    Please stop being mean and cruel on my blog. All I've ever done is helped others INCLUDING you and I get this back. Leave me alone please.

  9. Whizz has had alot of stuff 2 do resently and is to busy 4 blogging! I u want 2 pick anymore on him pik on me 2!


  10. i need to talk to u in real

  11. how are you??????????

  12. i need to talk to u in real life 4 our own security

  13. clumsy, are you still there?

  14. i need to talk to u

  15. i need to talk to u as in (Blah Blah Blah)

  16. clumsy are you still on here?????


  17. i need to talk to u!!!

  18. look, i need to talk to u, to ask u something

  19. what do u need 2 talk to me about?

  20. like so i open my mouth and tell u

  21. shall i phone you???

  22. ohhhhhh i get it!!!

  23. when shall i phone you??

  24. ur not supposed to get it? lol

  25. 2033, 1903 or 500BC! LOL

  26. so...................shall i phone you?????? :) :-) :D

  27. Please DO NOT spam Clumsy205 and Cheeky. Its highly annoying and I have to delete it all. My posts are NOT a chat room so please don't treat them that way

  28. Sorry that I did that whizz I was just annoyed with my mate and I suppose I took it out on you, Im so aorry :( The truth is I'm jelous of your blog and probably everyone who says the stuff I do is too. I know its the wrong time to say this but you did change it :L But oh well please forgive me you are right that people have been helped and guided by you and with the talent that you have on blogger you shouldnt be quitting now and then and who cares what people like me say, ignore us. If you dont give up you will get somewhere. I bet chrisdog and the other crew neva gave up, its just kinda upset me that you quit and I'm no where near as high standard as you and if you are quitting then how does it make me feel? Dont quit pleaaaaaase! Your blog is amazing and no one can do what you can, you help everyone and thats great, I started blogger because of you and okay I copied you but then I learnt things and now look at me. Im saying stuff like that to you! Im so sorry and even if you dont forgive me then atleast reply :( plus you never replied to me in comments and you deleted them which made me angry ... Sorry to hastle you :(

  29. i was just about to ask u to delete those messages!" Soz but i really needed to talk to cheeky! We wont do it again!

    clumsy xxxx

  30. i was tryin to say on cp would you like to be in a vid with me and my mate? it wud make it soo much beta


  32. hey wizzy thanks for visting my site i owe you one didyou like my site

  33. check my sit right now im having a party can you come

  34. what do u want me to do in ur vid


:D Happy commenting!