Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fairy Fables Has Returned To The Stage!

Woot! I love this play! Here's the cheats for the play catalogue. Or should I say cheat. Hmm. Here it is anyway.

That one cheat makes this post real short :/


  1. Whizz Police sed that he is quitting blogger, club penguin and everything! and he sed that his quitting forever! But i don't want him to quit!

  2. ooooooo, yellowww


  3. I was just asking him where the Coffee Place was and he said that he won't tell me where it was just because I kept on draining the place and I didn't want it to be filled but he wanted it to be filled up with water, I'm talking about the game that u and Police were playing yesterday, and he started being rude and mean to me.

  4. He didnt want it to be drained because to do the achievements, you need to have it filled. Thats why he got cross with you - because he was trying to reach the achievements but you kept draining it.


:D Happy commenting!